Jan 1
New Year's Day
The first day of the year in the United States
Jan 20
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Holiday honoring the civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Feb 17
Presidents' Day
Holiday honoring all U.S. presidents, particularly Washington and Lincoln
May 26
Memorial Day
Holiday honoring those who died while serving in the U.S. military
Jul 4
Independence Day
Holiday celebrating the Declaration of Independence
Sep 1
Labor Day
Holiday honoring American workers and their contributions
Oct 13
Columbus Day
Holiday commemorating Christopher Columbus's arrival in the Americas
Nov 11
Veterans Day
Holiday honoring military veterans who served in the U.S. Armed Forces
Nov 27
Thanksgiving Day
American holiday expressing gratitude and thanksgiving
Dec 25
Christmas Day
Christian holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ
1. According to labor laws, employees are entitled to additional leave on statutory holidays.
2. When a statutory holiday falls on a weekend, the following workday is designated as a compensatory day off.